When I first published my review about Raketa Baikonur, one of forum members commented that Slava also issued new Slava Televizor watch. I was not aware of that and this information intrigued me to check about this watch and buy it. That idea was realized during the new year's sale in Slava web shop and since I also owe original Slava Tank watch, I have decided to prepare this comparison of the original and reissue watches.

Original Slava TV watch is more commonly known by it's nick name "Tank", so I will use Tank for the old version and TV for the new version further on.
Slava started the production of Tank watch at the beginning of 1970's. For the younger population which used to have flat screen TV's it is maybe strange why this watch got the name "Televizor", but for an older ones name of the watch is quite logical. The colloquial name Tank was added due to the heaviness and robust design, quite different to other watches at that time. But I will get back to this topic later....
Tank was powered by the Slava automatic 2427 movement with day of the week and date complications. For the date quick set button is placed above the central crown whereas day of the week can only be set by turning the crown over the midnight. 2427 movement existed in ex. USSR in several versions. First one got 32 jewels followed by next generation (technically a bit different) with 31 jewels. Next generation had 27 jewels (where this is in fact the same movement, just 4 jewels below date ring were removed which in fact really don't improve the quality). In between versions with 26j existed, new version has 25j. Just as an remark, Poljot International in some of it's watches also use Slava 2627 movement with just 21j.
Movement is known for it's construction since it uses two spring barrels. You can check how movement looks like for example in www.ranfft.de webpages.
So, from this basic description and the first picture we can already clearly see the first difference. While Tank has 2427 with 27j, new TV uses 2427 with 25j. And on both watches number of jewels is noticed also on the dial.
Factory specification says we can expect -25/+60 sec/day from this movement. At the moment TV watch runs much better +- 10 sec/day.
Let's move on. Stainless steel in TV replaced chrome based case in Tank. Acrylic glass in Tank is replaced by mineral glass covered by sapphire in TV. Why Slava did not use simply sapphire, I don't know.
I also measured both watches. My measurements in mm are:
Tank: 37 (with crown 39)x39x12; Televizor: 42(with crown 45)x40x14;
L2L Tank 43; TV 44.
Bracelet: Tank 30/18; Televizor 32/21
So it is obvious that TV is a bigger Tank. But this increase is not proportional in all directions and almost squared Tank has become rectangular Televizor. But what is interesting is that L2L dimension is very similar and due to that even though Televizor is much bigger, on the wrist both watches have almost the same feeling. I don't feel almost any difference! Well, I must point out that my wrist is not small - it's 19,2 cm so that feeling can be very different on a smaller wrist! Tank was at the time of first release a big watch and even today Tank feels "normal" and not "small" to me. So, again - we are talking about big watches and by saying that TV is on the wrist similar to Tank, that does not imply TV is small watch but rather opposite - also the Tank was a big watch. Let's have a closer look to Tank and Televizor on my wrist.

Personally I am very pleased that in Televizor design of dial, hands, placing the date and day of the week follow Tank. At least to me everything together function well and it reflects a nice combination of vintage style in a modern way. I must point out that some Tank versons has had the same dial design as my Televizor has, however I don't owe Tank with exactly the same type of dial. So numbers instead of markings are not something "new", it's just that Televizor has a different dial Tank type as the basis. Hands have luminova and this is also the best description of it. So, far from shining but it's there. To be fair, Tank also used to have one but luminova on my Tank is long forgotten.

For my taste crown in Televizor is too big. It is also not partially hidden in the case at it is the situation in Tank. Crown is smooth instead of ribbed, what is not the best for operating with the watch. It is true that watch is automatic so no winding is needed, but nevertheless one still needs to set time or day of the week from time to time and smoothnes of the crown does not help. Red marking on the top of the crown is unnecessary and not in line with old Tank. Simple Slava sign engraving would be better choice.
On the other hand, quick set date button remained small and almost hidden into the case. Even though by this Televizor follows Tank, this is not a "user friendly" approach. One sets date quite difficult and some pencil or similar thin pin is advised. A lot of modern watches with 2427 movement are made having this button true button and operation is very simple. But it is also true that bigger button in a different style would most probably ruin vintage style and Televizor would loose Tank view.
I was surprised by the design of the backplate in the TV, which is again a pure imitation of Tank's backplate. It seems that also TV has a ring screwed around the backplate and that this ring holds it in the case. So typical "russian" approach. The watch in total gives an impression of a good final product, the only remark that I have goes to the edges on the backside. Those edges are quite sharp, they are much softer on Tank. Well it might be that also Tank had once sharp edges but chromed case and years of use had soften them.

I have to praise the new bracelet, which is far better than than on Tank. It is serious, full, but still quite soft.

My only serious complain goes to the clasp. Fastening a clasp on Tank is hard, unpleasant, technically made on a way that clasp teeth were on an upper part. That is now changed, but I don't understand, they obviously wanted to keep the "soviet" feeling when fastening and clasp is now made with a tooth on the lower part. Better than Tank but could be done much better and softer.

Unfortunately (or maybe luckily??) design of the lugs remains the same as in Tank. That approach disable changing the bracelet with some other bracelet or strap. But probably the standardized lugs, hidden into the case would destroy the Tank look maybe due to the wideness of the watch everything would look ugly.
Bracelet is huge, I have removed four links and have it on a first pin on a microregulator. Remember, my wrist is not a small one! So this again shows that watch in general is meant to be worn by large wrist users.

At the time being Televizor is declared as a limited edition watch where several versions exist (green, blue, red, and grey dial, grey or black PVD coating). During preorder one had a chance to combine dials, coatings and to choose a serial number, but that is over now.
At the end - what about the price? Old Tank in very good condition can easily be bought for max. 100 EUR. New Slava watch with 2427 25j movement can be in their web shop bought for 70 EUR. Of course I am talking about the watch with chromed case and acrylic glass, poor quality strap. But what is obvious is that 2427 movement for Slava is not an expensive part. So you can be quite shocked when the chepaest Televizor in Slava shop is around 52.000 RUB (cca. 580 EUR). A lot? Add costs of shipping and VAT for EU customers and price is at once 700 EUR. For russian watch collectors a lot. But that is obvious a new reality which I already mentioned when reviewing new Raketa Baikonur. For sure margin for "crazy watch lovers" is quite huge here and I am the one of those who paid that margin. I comfort myself that watch was bought with 20% discount and that I bought the watch which is similar to my old Tank. But to be honest - in fact I don't regret that I have bought this watch! I like it very much, I enjoy wearing it and fits perfectly on my wrist.
Watch comes in decent box with interesting slot for papers booklet.

Final verdict: One of the best reissued ex. USSR watches that I have seen. Recomended!
P.S.: Slava issued some other interesting models with 2427 movement, such as Mir and Sadko reissue. Nice watches!!
P.S.S.: This article was first published on "PortalSatova" forum on 01.2021
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